Opening Hours
Out of hours care is provided to patients of the practice in situations of emergency. We can be contacted by mobile telephone (0407 111 117) during these exceptional circumstances.
Reminder System
Our practice is committed to preventative dentistry and as part of this process we require you to have a periodic check of your oral health and visit your dental hygienist regularly.
As a courtesy to our patients we will send you a SMS notification of your forthcoming appointments and we will also endeavour to telephone you the day before your appointment to remind you of the time of your appointment if we have not had any previous confirmation from you. If you prefer not to be part of this helpful system please let us know. (Please note that for the SMS service you will only be able to confirm your appointment by replying 'YES'. Unfortunately no other responses will be registered by our system so if you have any enquiries about you upcoming appointments please contact us by telephone.)
Appointments are specifically made for you and time is set aside to provide adequate time for the prescribed treatment.
As a courtesy to our staff and other patients, we kindly request you provide us with at least 72 hours notice for any changes to your appointments for routine treatment and at least 3 weeks notice for extensive treatment and treatment under IV sedation so we can endevour to make the best use of our time for all patients.
Cancellation/Missed appointment fees may apply.
Convenient parking can usually be found outside the practice itself. Alternatively, the car park of the North Adelaide Village Shopping Centre is located directly opposite the front of our building. This car park is operated by a fee for use system but provides the first 2 hours free.